Twenty years ago there was a vibrant young man who found and married the MOST beautiful woman on the face of the earth, joined and graduated from the Police Academy and shortly there after had a baby girl and a few years later two other babies followed. This young man loved his family and his job, he always made them proud and I have admired him from the very beginning of my life. You see, here on earth this man is by far the best guy I know!
He’s my Father, the one who has taken care of my Mom, my siblings and myself, the one who worked hard to make sure we had everything we needed. As I got older, he was the one who taught me how to check my oil, change a flat tire, shoot a gun and sucessfully put a deer in our freezer. ๐
For as long as I can remember, he has loved my Mother with an unending, passionate love that has set the bar high for a man in my life someday. He is very respected and admired by many people all over our community and at his job as a Police Officer. He is a compassionate man and one of much integrity. I have so many great memories growing up… one of my favorites; in the summer as a kid, climbing in his pickup truck after a long day of hard work (mostly play for me of course!) and going up to the Dairy Queen, getting a twist and driving all around town singing country songs till the ice cream was gone. ๐

Ya see, I could go on and on about how awesome my Dad is but no story, no blog, no pictures could ever do him justice. Dad, I’m lucky to have you as my father and Happy Fathers Day! ๐ Wish I could be there.
It’s so refreshing to see how much you love your family and how much you honor your parents.
Miss you and love you.
What an awesome testimony to your Dad…he should be very proud of you!!!
What an amazing affirmation to your dad that he’s done a good job raising you and your sibs. You’re such a wonderful young lady. Your dad is a very kind, selfless, giving man. A great example.
I agree, Kelsey, your parents are awsome people!! :o)