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Before I came to Georgia this year to join the ComLife program, I thought I knew what being a true friend meant, it didn’t take long for me to find out that I really didn’t have the understanding I thought I had. I have been here for 4 ½ months and in that time I feel have begun to grasp the meaning of a true friendship or what it means to be a part of the body and care for others like Christ would. Throughout my life I’ve had many good friendships but only experienced a few great friendships. My time here has changed and refined some of my ideas of a great friendship and what it means to care for others like Christ would. For the longest time I have been fooled into thinking that love in a friendship or love for others in the body meant that you avoided the “tough stuff” and just kept everyone happy and smiling. Quieting the issues that may cause drama or stir things up was best because you might offend someone or you might dig too deep where you don’t belong. The truth is, is that if you’ve been invited into a body, community or friendship, then you do have the right, in fact it’s your responsibility to dig into the “tough stuff.” The body, community or a great friendship is never going to be all happy and wonderful all the time. There’s going to be rough spots because we’re human and our flesh takes the wheel sometimes. So in my journey here, I’m having to dig into the “tough stuff,” sometimes it hurts and it’s hard but I’m experiencing the real body and how it was intended to work. Sometimes in this journey you’re going to have to do things for others that will be hard and may cause distance temporarily or permanently, it may make them angry, they may even hate you but if you are seeking God and you are being obedient to the things He is calling you to, I am confident that truth and love will be revealed. God wastes nothing; He will redeem all that you walk through if you are being guided by Him. So in learning how to be a better friend and part of the body of Christ, I have grown closer to Him than I have ever been. I have to ask Him daily to give me His eyes for others and His grace and forgiveness because I cannot do it in my own strength. Even though this hasn’t been the most pleasant experience at times, I wouldn’t trade it for anything because I might not feel this close to Him as I do now. (I still have a long way to go; I just don’t know that I’ve been any closer before) 

4 responses to “One of Many Lessons Learned”

  1. Kelsey…

    I am so proud of you. What an honor it is to journey this thing with you. Even if it were only you and me doing this “community” thing, I would still press in with all my heart.

    Love you.


  2. I agree Shaye! I’m proud too! It’s awesome what God is revealing and showing you as you press into his heart through the tough stuff.

    I LOVE your heart and you’re proving your character more and more daily. Thanks for choosing in and obeying Christ above all else.

    You rock!

  3. I love you Kelsey. It’s been a pleasure to be on this journey with you. Continue to press in and allow God to do the work in you. Your metamorphosis is refreshing.

    Fly beautiful butterfly, fly!

  4. Sis,

    Mom is so proud of you and what God is showing up in your life. You are a ‘fighter’ and I know that HE is using this characteristic to prove to you what HE has put inside you and to others around that there are things worth fighting for. Jesus and HIS plan is always worth the fight. Thank you for being a light to those around you and me!!

    Love you so much!!!!
