It’s been almost a solid month since I announced my embarking on the journey of the World Race. This month has been one filled with many ups and downs. I struggle even right now writing this blog to express to you where my heart is. Of course I assumed that with t

he submission of my will to the Lord to participate and prepare for the Race that the enemy would attempt to fight against me succeeding stronger than usual. There are moments when I find myself trying not to think about anything, not the planning, the purchasing, the finances or even my heart’s condition spiritually. I am so ashamed to admit this fault yet understand that the only way to push through this daily funk is for me to be on my knees even when I don’t feel like it and to have you covering me in prayer. How can you cover me in prayer for the things I’m struggling with if I don’t open this book and expose my faults, struggles or shortcomings?
Last weekend I was sifting through some boxes of stuff from years ago (why I brought them to Georgia and didn’t leave them in MI, I don’t know) anyway, I found a verse I wrote on an index card. I used to write verses on index cards and tack them all over the house in the places people’s eyes might be frequently. My Mother sometimes was driven a little crazy by this I’m sure! The thing about this index card, my child like handwriting and all that makes it noteworthy is the verse on it and the fact that I believe the Lord brought it to my eye at the right moment when it spoke the most.
Philippians 2:13 “God is at work within you, helping you want to obey Him, and then helping you do what He wants.” This verse causes me to wonder about God and His greatness. How many times over the course of twenty years has He protected me and scooped me away from some situations with really bad potential. How many times has He guided my steps even when I wasn’t asking Him to. Many times I find myself having a difficult time wrapping my mind around the gravity of His love for me.
All of this to say, I have been struggling with feelings of failure and a lack of motivation. However the thing that never ceases to amaze me is that He still loves me and He’s still walking beside me, providing, protecting and guided even when I’m not actively pursuing Him.
So what about you? What about those times when you acted without a care in the world and He was there, protecting, loving and guiding you? I think He’s a God that loves His children – no conditions, He just does.
When you feel the enemy attacking you remember this – Psalms 138:7 I am surrounded by trouble, but you protect me against my angry enemies. With your powerful arm you keep me safe.
When you feel weak or inadequate recall this, it might instill confidence in you as it does me – II Corinthians 12:9 But he replied, “My kindness is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak,” So if Christ keeps giving me his power, I will gladly brag about how weak I am.