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The Philippines in July

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a child in slavery, an orphan left to die alone, a poverty stricken father who’s lost his job and cannot provide for his family or a daughter sold into the sex trade? The people of the Filipino islands never have to wonder, for most, it’s their life.
AIM has a base in the Philippines where they have been building relationships and ministering to the Filipino people and sending ministry teams there each summer to show the love of Jesus and bring healing, hope and a new way of life to the people.
This coming July I will have the opportunity to co-lead a high school age trip to Cebu, Philippines. This will be my first time leading a mission trip out of the United States. I am more than excited to be used by God in this way, to have the opportunity to disciple a group of young people as they minister for God’s Kingdom. 
Please pray for the hearts of the young people who are being called to participate on this mission trip. May each of them hear the voice of the Lord and be obedient to His call for them to experience Him and minister to the lost and broken, an experience that will change them forever.
Also please pray for the Lord to provide a co-leader(s) to be a part of the leadership team with me for this trip. Being my first leading experience I pray the Lord provides leaders who I can look up to and learn from.
1 Samuel 2:8 “He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap;
he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. “For the
foundations of the earth are the LORD’S; upon them he has set the world.”