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2010 Financial Support Needs!

2010 Support Breakdown
Talking about support raising and needing funds to support my ministry is always difficult. However as I approach this new year, I am trusting Christ with my finances and my provision. I am also trusting that you, my family, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ will be obedient to the Lords tug on your heart to support Kingdom growth.
I want to give you, my wonderful supporters an idea of what my financial needs are for this year.
Total amount of support needed for 2010 – $11,400.00
    A quarterly breakdown of – $2,850.00
    A monthly breakdown of – $950.00
On top of my regular support needed I will also be co-leading a mission trip to the Philippines in July! The cost for that trip is $1,800.00 (More info and exciting news on the trip to come soon….!)
This is a tentative schedule of my financial needs for this year. As you pray about giving to support my ministry this year please be open to the spirits moving and the Lord changing plans. 🙂 Thank you for your faithful financial support throughout ALL of 2009. You are each rock stars and I am sure have a special place in Heaven for being obedient to Christ through your giving to support Kingdom ministry!