This morning was an ATL (Ask The Lord) morning for ministry…..Oh how I love to ask God what He wants me to do for Him! I’m always so excited to see howHe’s going to speak and then show up, I’m usually sitting on the edge of my seat, anxious, ready and waiting for Him. This morning we spent some time in prayer asking God what He wants us to do for Him today and who He wants us to minister to. During prayer I received a vision of an area just down the street from our house, an area where it appears houses use to stand but that’s there now are pieces of what used to be. So in my vision I saw that area and some adultsand children with the word ‘LOVE’ written over the area like a banner. I sensed the Lord telling me to bring the leftover bread, rice and chicken from our meal with our apartment community last night. Our host, Sharon also felt the Lord telling her we needed to give the food away also. God also gave her a vision of a grandmother and a baby. We prayed some more and myself and a few other girls received a vision of the color red and a sense that we were going to do some healing today. So myself, Sharon, Katie and Cora packaged up the rice, bread and chicken along with some candy and began our walk to the area down the street. We had about 10 pieces of candy….I sensed we’d be entertaining a few more children than that so I stopped and purchased about 50 more pieces!

When we arrived the first person we met was a sweet, 60 year
old grandmother, Sara. Sara’s face was filled with joy at the sight of usa walking to meet her. She welcomed me into her home while Sharon, Katie and Cora entertained a fast growing group of curious children. Inside Sara’s home I asked her about her family and if she believed in God, she said she was Roman Catholic but on her door was a sign reading, “God bless this home.” She said, “There’s one God so it doesn’t really matter about a religion.” Sara has four children and four grandchildren, she was widowed a few years ago. She told me the place where we were standing was once four seperate homes housing her family and extended family until an electrical fire in 2008 destroyed them. Now herself, her family and extended family live in the skeleton of what a
(PICTURE LEFT:: Oliegh and her 6 children) fire left behind of their homes two years ago. She apologized for the mess and the smell, she told me they have no money to rebuild or to make what they do have nice, all the money they get goes towards food for all of them. At about that time her niece, Oliegh walks in with her 2 year old son, Lee. Lee was coughing and his nose was dripping with snot. I asked Oliegh if he was sick, she said he had a cough and chest pain and then she pointed to his unclothed lower half and said that he has a hernia and his lower area was enlarged. They have no money for medicine and no money to go see a doctor. I lost it. I looked over at Sara and asked her in she would walk to the pharmacy with me to get some medicine. She, with a smile said, “I am blessed you want to help me and my family!”

We purchased medicine for baby Lee, gave all the rice, chicken and bread to Sara for the community for dinner tonight. Sharon, Katie and Cora played games and sang songs with the children and handed out all the candy we had! The Lord spoke to us through visions earlier in the morning and they were confirmed! The color red – Oliegh had a bright red cloth she was using to wipe up Lee’s snot. (PICTURE RIGHT:: Sara, Lee and Oliegh with the medicine) The sense of healing – we purchased medicine for Lee’s couch and chest….praying for healing for the other parts of his body.

God used the four of us to show His ‘LOVE’ to this family through meeting felt needs and putting smiles on their faces. Sara kept saying, “I am so blessed you are doing me and my family such kindness!” I replied, “Do just one thing for me, if anyone asks what those people were doing visiting you today or where you got the food and medicine from, please just reply, ‘The Lord God blessed me today’ and give Him all the praise.”
(PICTURE LEFT:: Sharon and Katie with the children)
(PICTURES BELOW:: Gingin and Yinin, twin girls that weren’t sure if they liked me or not!)