Assignment: I gave everyone an assignment to write a blog about a fellow housemate. We each drew a name and I got Toya’s name! She calls me 2wheeler and beauty queen and here’s my lovely story about her…
A Little Background…
Toya grew up in San Diego, California with four younger siblings. She worked in a library for fourteen years and eventually moved to Charlotte, North Carolina. Toya has been very independent for most of her life and has expressed that coming here to AIM and living with ten other people is a stretching step of faith.
Toya’s Likes and Dislikes…
Likes: 1. the color purple 2. beaches/water 3. alone time! 4. her nieces and Jack
Dislikes: 1. chocolate 2. red roses 3. bugs 4. flip flops
What I think Toya contributes to the community and what she means to me…
Toya got here about a month after everyone else due to a missions trip she was participating in to Africa. We all anxiously awaited her arrival. Toya is such a blessing to the community even just in the month that she’s been here, she has contributed so much! She is an amazing cook (all from scratch), she has a great sense of humor (particularly when she makes fun of me), she has a lot of knowledge and wisdom from her greater years as a Christian than I, and she has played an important roll in my life even in just the past few days. Specifically, there was a night last week, I was crying and upset, she asked if there was anything she could do for me but I pushed her away. Instead of getting frustrated with me, she let me cool down a little and cry then she came back and comforted me. She shared her story and some struggles she was having and related them to the situation I was dealing with and by the end of the conversation we were both smiling and laughing, needless to say, I felt a lot better.
Toya seems like a quite or shy person but once you get to know her, she has so much to offer! :] Toya, you are such a beautiful person inside and out. God has awesome plans for your life and I am excited to see the journey you’re walking these next few months. Keep persevering even on the days that life just plain sucks because God has something GREAT for you through all this! I am blessed to have you as my house-mate and to be your friend. Thank you for opening up with me, being real with me and letting me cry on your shoulder. You Rock! :]

and just for the record, she does like white people! :]