I feel as though most of my blogs are about support raising or deep things I’m dealing with in my spiritual life so I thought I’d write to tell you about the fun things that have been going on over the past couple months. I know I am certainly in a mood today of needing to be reminded of the blessings and good things that surround me.
On February 15th ve

ry very early in the morning, my friends Rosie and Jonathan welcomed their baby girl, Mikayla Grace into the world! Rosie was in ComLife with me when I moved here, we lived in the same house, shared many ups and downs during that time and I have been blessed to watch her and Jonathan get married and make an addition to their family. Rosie is a great friend, I have learned a lot from her, we’ve shared many laughs, many tears and I love her empanadas! 🙂 It’s been a sweet sweet joy to watch Mikayla grow into the now beautiful two month old she is! (That’s a pic of her in the “still too small” Easter outfit I bought her)
My sister, Kasey came to visit me here in Georgia over my Birthday weekend the beginning of March. She helped me celebrate #20! It was a great time to have her here

, we went to the Atlanta Hawks vs. Detroit Pistons basketball game in Atlanta for my Birthday. The Pistons lost but we still had a great time at the game together. The weekend went by fast but I know that Kasey doesn’t like being away from home for too long so I’m sure she was glad to visit but even happier to get home.
I have a friend that I work with who is planning for her wedding this summer, she’s getting married July 25th and over the past several months it’s been a lot of fun watching her pick out her dress, the

flowers, the cake, the invitations…etc. I’ve been trying to help her as much as I can….never having been in the situation before I sometimes don’t feel like I have much to offer but nevertheless, it’s been fun doing lots of girly fun days with her as she prepares for her special day.
The beginning of this month, the Ambassador program held their leader training for all the people leading short term mission trips this summer. I am co-leading the four week trip to the Philippines in July. At the training I had the opportunity to meet one of the two of my co-leaders, Kasandra. She is really sweet, we get along great and she’s been to

the Philippines in the past. That’s such a blessings to me to know that she has been to the area before and she knows the contacts there as well, I feel like it’s a boost of confidence and security. The training was a huge success, there was about 35 other leaders there and the Spirit of God moved more and more everyday to prepare our hearts to lead His youth for His Kingdom glory this summer. I am BEYOND excited to lead this trip in July!!! Thanks for your continued prayers as the time approaches!
May is going to be a very busy month…lots of preparation with the summer trips and the big World Race adventure around the corner. I also have a REALLY REALLY awesome surprise coming in May that I can’t wait to reveal to you….details soon. 🙂
Thank you for your time reading my blogs, praying for me and supporting me. In moments when I feel dry and lacking of happiness, I think of you and I know that the Lord has blessed me with you as my friends and supporters. Too many times regular, daily life causes me to overlook or forget to be thankful for the sweet simple blessings in my life. I am selfish most of the time, constantly complaining about the things I don’t have, the money I don’t have, the people I want in my life who aren’t, or the situations beyond my control that suck when there are others in this sad, cruel world that are in far worse situations or circumstances. I am not hungry, I have a roof to sleep under at night, a job, a vehicle that gets me to a and b and a loving, supportive family and community of friends, I am blessed.
A word of encouragement to you that spoke to the dryness and loneliness of my heart this week….may you find something in it too! Proverbs 16:24 “Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”