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Thoughts & Inspiration

Community, there are so many different kinds; church, family, friends, co-workers, etc. Now if I can be honest, in most of these “communities” we only really touch the surface of what community means. For example, do we really go deep with each other about stuff going on in our lives or are we even intentional about caring for the people we call friends, family, co-workers, etc. I am still myself learning something new each day.

As I am here in the “Community Life” program at AIM I desire that community is more than just living in a house together but it’s sharing our lives with each other, letting someone in and letting them SEE you for who you really are. Learning how to deal with conflict positively, learning to share (sort of a hard one for me but I’m working on it), and loving someone even when they do something wrong or hurtful and really knowing what forgiveness is. I have only been here for 3 weeks and I am already being stretched in most of these things. I am so very blessed to have the opportunity to be here and being able to experience REAL community. My heart’s desire is for everyone to touch this. I mean are you really living, are you really being vulnerable with your life and stepping out of your comfort zone to experience how God intended for us to live? I know I’m working on “community” and so far I love it and I don’t know how I ever did without it! Sometimes it hurts, sometimes its messy and sometimes it’s just plain frustrating but once you learn how to work around those bugs (which we here at the Comlife House are still doing) sometimes it’s just wonderful!  

 Me and My Roomate Shaye!                                      

4 responses to “What does community mean to me?”

  1. great blog kelsey! i love your positive attitude and the FUN you bring to our group…and no I’m not being sarcastic and yes i DO think your fun list is AWESOME! 🙂 I’m glad you’re here and part of the family!

  2. Kels,

    We are so proud of your ‘adventure’ God is taking you on. We thank God He is stretching you for His honor and glory. He is so awesome and we can see you shining in His glory. We love and miss you.

    Dad and Mom

  3. Kels,

    We think of you everyday. Miss you lots. We love the blog and keep up that positive attitude. I can see God shining through you. It is so great that we can see what you are doing. You are a great inspiration to the kids here at home. Keep up the great work.

    Love Dave, Pam, Kara and Kyle

  4. Kelsey,

    I love blog!! Keep that positive attitude.. Often we get stuck in routine. Sometimes that is a daily routine, sometimes it’s lifes routine of what we think is expected next.. It’s great to see you use this experience to grow, to streach and to reach out to so many. Enjoy where God has put you.