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Commitment – the state of being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action or to another person or persons, something pledged, something promised or the act of intrusting
To my generation the word “commitment” gets thrown around and is abused quite often. Not just commitment in a dating relationship but commitment to a job, marriage, church, friends, etc. Media has made us numb to the TV shows, movies or music that we see and hear that allow commitments to be broken. I admit I find myself struggling to walk in commitment to certain things sometimes. It wasn’t until just recently in a conversation I had with a friend did I finally grasp how serious making a commitment is or should be.

Over the past few weeks I have been struggling with the commitment I made to ComLife. The reality of it is, is that not every day here is going to be wonderful and perfect. Some days are going to be harder than others and some situations tougher than others but I have made a commitment to this program and to my “family” and so no matter what each day holds, good or not so good, I choose in and I commit to walking this road. In the conversation with my friend, I realized that I could relate this situation to a marriage, for example, I desire to be married someday and truth be told, marriage is not easy and it’s not pleasant everyday but when you say “I do” you commit to that person for life. When the waters get deep and the winds get rough in my marriage am I just going to walk away? No, walking away will never be an option. A commitment is something that you make once but have to choose into and die to self everyday sometimes multiple times a day. Making a commitment requires asking God for His strength to keep to that commitment and to walk in it.

When I received God’s gift of salvation, I made a commitment to Him to love, obey, trust and serve Him. I as a human I fail just about every day at that commitment but thankfully that’s where grace and forgiveness comes in. In Isaiah 43: 1b-2 I see where God makes a commitment to us, “…fear not for I have redeemed you, I have summoned you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you and when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”

So, commitment is hard and it’s not always pleasant but when I make a commitment, I commit to walking that road for however long or whatever situation, I choose in!

ComLife Family Photo!